CAYAYA BIRDING entspannte Vulkan - Mangroven - Tour in Guatemala
Entspannte 9-tägige Reise zur Beobachtung von endemischen Vogelarten des Hochlandes des nördlichen Mittelamerikas (inkl. Buntschwanzdegenflügel und Rosenwaldsänger) sowie Wasservögeln in den Sümpfen und Mangrovenwäldern an der Pazifikküste.
9 Tage / 8 Nächte (inkl. Ankunfts- und Abreisetag).
Spezialitäten des Hochlandes: Rosenwaldsänger, Buntschwanzdegenflügel, Grünkehlnymphe, Abeillekolibri, Guatemalagoldspecht, Blaukehlmotmot, Rostbrauenzaunkönig, Rotnackendrossel, Lasurspottdrossel, Cabanistangare, Brillengrundammer, Bindentrupial, und andere.
Arten den pazifischen Tieflandes: Weißbauchguan, Gelbnackenamazone, Blauschwanzamazilie, Langschwanzpipra, Rostschwanzammer, Haubenkassike und Zwergspelzer.
Wasservögel: Südamerikanische Rohrdommel, Amerikanische Zwergdommel, Rallenkranich, Nashornpelikan, mehrere Reiher- und Limikolenarten, Zwergbinsenralle, Zwergsultanshuhn, Gelbstirn-Blatthühnchen, Erzfischer und andere.
Reiseveranstaltung Januar bis Dezember. Die Abundanz von Wasservögeln in Monterrico ist am größten von Oktober bis Mai.
Einige auf der CAYAYAY BIRDING Vulkan - Mangroven -Tour in Guatemala beobachteter Vogelarten
Südamerikanische Rohrdommel Botaurus pinnatus in einem Feuchtgebiet an der Pazifikküste Guatemalas.Brauenmotmot Eumomota superciliosa in den Mangroven an der Pazifikküste Guatemalas.Junger Blaukehlmotmot Aspatha gularis im Hochland Guatemalas: ein Endemit des Hochlandes des nördlichen Zentralamerikas und südlichen Mexikos.Regen- und Nebelwälder am Vulkan AtitlánCabanistangare Tangara cabanisi am Vulkan Atitlán.Rosenwaldsänger Cardellina versicolor im Hochland Guatemalas.Zwergmotmot Hylomanes momotula am Vulkan Atitlán.Rallenkranich Aramus guarauna im Feuchtgebiet von Monterrico an der Pazifiküste Guatemalas.Erzfischer Chloroceryle aenea im Feuchtgebiet von Monterrico an der Pazifiküste Guatemalas.Wiesenstrandläufer Calidris minutilla an der Pazifiküste Guatemalas.Gelbnackenamazone Amazona auropalliata am Fuß des Vulkans Atitlán.Amerikanische Zwergdommel Ixobrychus exilis in einem Feuchtgebiet in Guatemala.Die Haubenkassike Cassiculus melanicterus ist endemisch im pazifischen Tiefland des südlichen Mexios und nördlichen Zentralamerikas.Große Schlammläufer Limnodromus scolopaceus, Bindenstrandläufer Calidris himantopus, ein Schwarznacken-Stelzenläufer Himantopus mexicanus, und ein Braunhals-Säbelschnäbler Recurvirostra americana im Feuchtgebiet von Monterrico an der Pazifikküste Guatemalas.Eine Ansammlung von Silberreihern Ardea alba, Schmuckreihern Egretta thula und Schneesichlern Eudocima albus im Feuchtgebiet von Monterrico an der Pazifikküste von Guatemala.Rostschwanzammer Peucaea ruficauda im Trockenwald von Monterrico.Ein Lachfalke Herpetotheres cachinnans am Ansitz.
Was Vogelbegeisterte sagen über diese CAYAYA BIRDING Reise
February 2019, 6-day birding and photography tour
"I was part of a four person bird photography tour of Guatemala. Knut Eisermann was the best guide I have ever toured with. He was quick to find target birds and as we were a photography group was comfortable spending extra time allowing us to get the photographs we desired. He was very quick to get the traget birds in the scope which helped us locate the birds to shoot. The highlight was a tour to find the Horned Guan, which we did. This is one trip that I will remember for a lifetime. Thanks to Claudia for all of the hard work in coordinating our group." Gary Wong, Florida, USA.
August 2018, 5-day target trip in the Guatemalan highlands
"I had the pleasure of birding the highlands with Knut Eisermann for a week in August with two friends. Besides seeing some mega birds - Horned Guan, Pink-headed Warbler, and Belted Flycatcher for example - I was really impressed by the amazing scenery, delicious cuisine and comfortable accomodations. I hope to book another trip with CAYAYA BIRDING again soon!" Michael C. Duffy, New York, USA.
June 2018, 1-week photography tour in the Guatemalan highlands
"Just had my second, brilliant trip with Knut Eisermann and CAYAYA BIRDING. Honestly, can't think of how it could have been improved on. Knut and Claudia Avendaño think of every single detail to make sure that everything goes smoothly and that, as a guest, you have the best possible birding experience. Knut is great company and is deeply knowledgeable. We found all the birds we went looking for, and I was lucky enough to get good chances for photos of each species. Spent part of our time together discussing our next trip together ... can't wait. Really recommend CAYAYA BIRDING, with no hesitation whatsoever ... wonderful way to experience a great birding country." Kevin Bartlett, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
April-May 2016, customized 2-weeks birding loop for 6 birders
"In May 2016 five friends and I were guided by CAYAYA BIRDING in western Guatemala and Tikal National Park. This was my second birdwatching tour with Knut Eisermann and Claudia Avendaño (principals of CAYAYA BIRDING) and both trips were truly excellent. Knut and Claudia work together as a smooth team to ensure that everyone's needs are met -- every day of the tour.
An unexpected highlight of the recent trip was spotting a Baird's Tapir in Tikal -- a thrill for everyone!" Mike Mulligan, Canada.
"I cannot believe the patience you two had for us all!! The different personalities, and abilities in a group can only present some amazing challenges for you...but you both handled them well! This was the most organized group birding trip I have been on! Thank you so much for such a wonderful time visiting and sharing in the life and birds of Guatemala!" Diane Kook, USA.
November 2015, 4-day birding trip in the Pacific slope highlands of Guatemala
"Just finished a 5 day tour of the highlands and lake atitlan with Claudia Avendaño- It was an amazing experience!! She is so knowledgeable in the birding, but also the culture and history of the region. We can't wait to go again!" Ashley Meagher, USA.
November 2004, Volcano-Mangrove-Tour:
"I was looking for a birding tour to take in November 2004. I scanned
the birding tour companies and I came across CAYAYA BIRDING. The website is
maintained by Knut Eisermann, the co-owner and tour guide. Knut has put a
tremendous amount of work into the site. In addition to the normal
information, he has included area descriptions, bird species list for each
area and much more useful information. The tour was a customized one: we
visited pine and oak forests, dry forest, coastal areas, coffee plantations
and some highlands. The birding was outstanding as was the guide. Knut is a
wonderful guide as his knowledge of the birds and their songs is remarkable.
The CAYAYA BIRDING staff had all the logistics worked out well and the entire trip was a great
success. In short, I had a great time birding in Guatemala. Thanks Knut." Jerry Miller, Simi Valley, California.