Kurze Tour zur Beobachtung des Quetzal in Nebelwaldgebiete in den Bergen atlantischen Kordillere oder in den vulkanischen Bergen der pazifischen Kordillere Guatemalas.
3 Tage / 2 Nächte von Guatemala, Antigua oder Cobán in ein Nebelwaldgebiet in den atlantischen oder pazifischen Bergen, abhängig von der Jahreszeit.
Quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno, endemisch im Hochland des südlichen Mexikos und Zentralamerikas.Männchen des Quetzals Pharomachrus mocinno, Nationalvogel Guatemalas.Weibchen des Quetzals Pharomachrus mocinno in einem nebelwald in Guatemala.Jungvögel des Quetzals Pharomachrus mocinno am Nesteingang.Männchen des Quetzals Pharomachrus mocinno in einem Nebelwald in Guatemala.Quetzal Männchen Pharomachrus mocinno.Männchen des Quetzals Pharomachrus mocinno in Guatemala.
Männchen des Quetzals Pharomachrus mocinno in einem Nebelwald in Guatemala.Quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno, endemisch im Hochland des südlichen Mexikos und Zentralamerikas.
Ein Männchen des Quetzals Pharomachrus mocinno während der Mauser.
Ein Männchen des Quetzals Pharomachrus mocinno während der Mauser.
Was Vogelbegeisterte sagen über diese CAYAYA BIRDING Reise
"Knut Eisermann provided my son and I with a wonderful week of birdwatching in Guatemala. He is warm, friendly and fun! His birding skills are second to none. We had a wonderful time and I can't say enough good things about our time with him." November 2018, 1-week birding tour in the Guatemalan highlands targeting Resplendent Quetzal and Tikal National Park in the northern lowlandsMichael Robinson, Washington, USA.
"Knut has been my guide for two separate tours in the last 3 weeks. One day trip around Antigua, and the other was a 3-day, 2-night tour of Motagua Valley and Biotopo del Quetzal. The goal of the latter trip was to find the Resplendent Quetzal. We found it, and it was amazing! Knut is incredibly knowledgable about the birds of Central America (and beyond). I didn't get the opportunity to bird with Claudia, but she always responded to my emails, questions and concerns quickly, and always with a "we can make this work", attitude! I am very grateful to these two for an incredible birding experience in Guatemala! Until next time!" August 2016, David Schas, Oregon, USA.